History of Harmony 111
History of St.Andrew 469
Masonic Offices

There are two types of office in a Masonic Lodge, progressive and non-progressive. New members of the lodge are usually appointed to the office of Steward, which is a progressive position. They would then move through each of the seven progressive offices until becoming Worshipful Master. The new office holders are appointed to their positions during the annual installation meeting.

Non-progressive officers normally remain in their role for a number of years, to provide experience in the running of the Lodge. Although they are formally re-appointed every year at the installation meeting.

The officers wear a jewel on a collar which distinguishes their office, they are illustrated below.

Progressive Lodge Offices

Inner Guard
This officer is responsible for ensuring that all who enter the lodge room are Masons and that the candidates are properly prepared.
Junior and Senior Deacons.
Their duties vary slightly but their main task is to escort the candidate around the lodge room during the ceremonies of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees.
Junior Warden
The Junior Warden assists the Worshipful master in the running of the lodge, each has specific duties during the Lodge meeting and at the festive board.

Senior Warden
The Junior Warden assists the Worshipful master in the running of the lodge, each has specific duties during the Lodge meeting and at the festive board.

Worshipful Master
The highest office in the Lodge, essentially acting as the Chairman for the period of his tenure. This is a privileged position, but requires a lot of work and dedication.

Non - Progressive Lodge Offices

As with any other society or club, members assume positions to assist in the required administration functions. One of the differences of a Freemason's Lodge is the emphasis on charity and assisting those in need, indicated by the appointment of a dedicated Charity Steward and an Almoner

Steward of Charities
Responsible for organising the charitable activities of the lodge, collecting the money raised, distributing it to the selected charities and maintaining communication with them
Responsible for organising the charitable activities of the lodge, collecting the money raised, distributing it to the selected charities and maintaining communication with them
The almoner's duty is to ensure that any member who is ill or in difficulty is given the support that they require, in addition he is the point of contact for widows of lodge members who may also acquire the support of the Lodge.
The secretary has a number of tasks, informing Lodge members of relevant information, communicating with other Lodges, taking the minutes of the Lodge meetings and in general ensuring the smooth running of the Lodge.
The treasurer manages the finances of the Lodge. Duties include recommending the level of member subscriptions, paying the various expenses of the Lodge and producing the annual accounts.
Director of Ceremonies
The Director of Ceremonies oversees the ritual that is being performed in the Lodge, managing the proceedings and ensuring that the other participants are aware of their tasks.
Immediate Past Master
The Immediate Past Master oversees the ritual that is being performed in the Lodge, managing the proceedings and ensuring that the other participants are aware of their tasks

The above list is not an exhaustive list of offices in the lodge, but is intended to give a flavour of the types of opportunity open to members.

The office jewels are worn on a collar, with the various office holders wearing the collar that is appropriate for their position during the Lodge meetings.